※1 はかり本体とPCをUSBインタフェースで通信させるには、専用ドライバーが必要です。市販のUSBケーブルABタイプが別途必要です。また、はかり本体とPCをUSBインタフェースで通信させるには、専用ドライバーが必要です。また、表示部部分は非防水になります。 ※2 USBインタフェース(HVW-02CBJA)とRS-232C出力(HVW-03CJA)は最大2chまで取付ができます。 ********************************************************************** 【以下は海外向けの商品説明になります】 【Product description in English】 ********************************************************************** A & D digital stand balance (large size) HV-300KC (weight: 300 kg) Digital stand balance HV-C / HV-CP (large size) series ※ Weight exceeds 10 kg or in the case of a large-scale standard (the total of packing size length the side the height exceeds 130cm) the additional postage may be caused product packing. ● Dual range to be able to measure finely ● With numeric keypad which is convenient for three colors of five steps comparator light + setting that it is easy to see ● Selectable interface (I attach USB and RS-232C to 2ch and allow it and can attach the relay output more too) ● The upper direction can angle adjusted the indication department (four phases) ● As for pole removable (indicator stands FW-15 / wall hangings metal fittings HVW-11C sold separately) ● HV-C series as for the battery drive possible other than an AC power (single *4) ● The HV-CP (large size) series embeds a printer
Standard type
With built-in printer
300 kg
600 kg
The smallest indication
0.05 kg (0-150 kg) 0.1 kg (150-300 kg)
0.1 kg (0-300 kg) 0.2 kg (300-600 kg)
Most big plan number
60 000
Measurement plate dimensions
600mm (W) *700mm (D)
The other For Sale
Article name
Model name
USB interface (two ways)
HVW-02CBJA ※1 ※2
The RS-232C output (D-Sub9P)
HVW-03CJA ※2
Comparator relay output / buzzer (the measurement at volume about 58dB body front 1m) / point of contact input
Extension cable (5m)
Wall hangings metal fittings
Printer stand for AD-8127
Indicator stands stand (only in the base part)
Wheel (four sets) for the movement
Roller conveyer
Five printing paper (thermal paper space 58mm approximately 30m in length) for the built-in printer
It is for an AC adapter standard type (for the -C model who does not have the printer)
Business (for - CP model with a built-in printer) with a built-in AC adapter printer
Indication department protection vinyl cover
※An exclusive driver needs it to let a PC communicate with 1 scales body in a USB interface. Commercial USB cable AB type is necessary separately. In addition an exclusive driver needs it to let a PC communicate with the scales body in a USB interface. In addition the indication department part is non-waterproofed. ※I can attach 2 USB interfaces (HVW-02CBJA) and RS-232C output (HVW-03CJA) to up to 2ch.
※ 重量が10kgを超過、もしくは商品梱包が大型規格(梱包サイズ 縦・横・高さの合計が130cmを超過)の場合、追加送料が発生する場合があります。
● 細かくはかれるデュアルレンジ
● 見やすい3色5段コンパレータライト + 設定に便利なテンキー付き
● 選べるインタフェース(USBとRS-232Cを2chまで取付可能、さらにリレー出力も取付可能)
● 表示部は上方向に角度調整可能(4段階)
● ポール取り外し可能(別売 表示器スタンドFW-15 / 壁掛け金具 HVW-11C)● HV-CシリーズはAC電源の他、電池駆動も可(単一×4本)
● HV-CP(大型)シリーズはプリンタ内蔵タイプ
※ 当該商品は自社販売と在庫を共有しているため、在庫更新のタイミングにより、在庫切れの場合やむをえずキャンセルさせていただく可能性があります。
0.1kg(150 ~ 300kg)
0.2kg(300 ~ 600kg)
※1 はかり本体とPCをUSBインタフェースで通信させるには、専用ドライバーが必要です。市販のUSBケーブルABタイプが別途必要です。また、はかり本体とPCをUSBインタフェースで通信させるには、専用ドライバーが必要です。また、表示部部分は非防水になります。
※2 USBインタフェース(HVW-02CBJA)とRS-232C出力(HVW-03CJA)は最大2chまで取付ができます。
【Product description in English】
A & D digital stand balance (large size) HV-300KC (weight: 300 kg)
Digital stand balance HV-C / HV-CP (large size) series
※ Weight exceeds 10 kg or in the case of a large-scale standard (the total of packing size length the side the height exceeds 130cm) the additional postage may be caused product packing.
● Dual range to be able to measure finely
● With numeric keypad which is convenient for three colors of five steps comparator light + setting that it is easy to see
● Selectable interface (I attach USB and RS-232C to 2ch and allow it and can attach the relay output more too)
● The upper direction can angle adjusted the indication department (four phases)
● As for pole removable (indicator stands FW-15 / wall hangings metal fittings HVW-11C sold separately) ● HV-C series as for the battery drive possible other than an AC power (single *4)
● The HV-CP (large size) series embeds a printer
0.1 kg (150-300 kg)
0.2 kg (300-600 kg)
※An exclusive driver needs it to let a PC communicate with 1 scales body in a USB interface. Commercial USB cable AB type is necessary separately. In addition an exclusive driver needs it to let a PC communicate with the scales body in a USB interface. In addition the indication department part is non-waterproofed.
※I can attach 2 USB interfaces (HVW-02CBJA) and RS-232C output (HVW-03CJA) to up to 2ch.