混色・重ね塗りができるパステルです。折れにくく、面ぬりも線描きも自由自在。 ●教材 ●パステル ●色数:16色 ●色内容:きいろ・だいだいいろ・うすだいだい・ちゃいろ・おうどいろ・こげちゃ・あか・ももいろ・むらさき・みずいろ・きみどり・みどり・あお・はいいろ・くろ・しろ ●包装形態:紙箱入 It is the pastel which compound color stack coating can play. Is hard to compromise; as for painting the line drawing is freedom an aspect too. ●The teaching materials ●Pastel ●The number of the colors: 16 colors ●Color contents: Be without a bitter orange brown おうどいろ dark brown dirt a peach color purple lightly seeing it and come and yes あお be and green green do くろ yellow a bitter orange color ●A packing form: Paper treasuring
It is the pastel which compound color stack coating can play. Is hard to compromise; as for painting the line drawing is freedom an aspect too.
●The teaching materials
●The number of the colors: 16 colors
●Color contents: Be without a bitter orange brown おうどいろ dark brown dirt a peach color purple lightly seeing it and come and yes あお be and green green do くろ yellow a bitter orange color
●A packing form: Paper treasuring